Monday, December 20, 2010


we've been talking about salumi for a few weeks at work so we decided to make it happen! salumi a cured meats sandwich store opened by mario batali's father. the thing with salumi is that you need to get there right when it opens, which is at 11. they are only open from tuesday-friday from 11-4 and are able to remain profitable...yea. enough said.

we got there a little later, around 11:15 and there were a solid 20 people in line ahead of us. in a matter of ten minutes, there were probably another 20 people behind us in line. you squeeze into their very rectangular store and are greeted by their laidback ladies (and one gentleman) making the sandwiches behind the counter. they have tons of salami and allow you to sample, which is probably why it takes a while.

steph, michelle and i ordered the muffo sandwich which has a homemade olive tapenade with TWO kinds of salami and cheese (provolone i'm guessing) on their ciabatta rolls. oh man. it was SOOO good. i only had half of it then even went through the trouble of heating my oven the next day to reheat the second half. it is that good. blake was a little tied up at work so i picked up a meatball sandwich for him which had peppers and onions AND fresh mozzerella cheese. yeah. i was doing bicep curls with the sandwich on the way back to the office...

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