Sunday, September 12, 2010


i love, love eating thick soups so with fall coming around, and it being sunday, it seemed like the perfect thing to do before heading back to work tomorrow. i looked up a corn chowder recipe on allrecipes (my go-to always) and gave it a shot.

it's a lot like making chili--throwing everything in and letting it cook for a while. all there really is to it is boiling potatoes in chicken broth, adding in celery and onion that was cooked with some butter for a bit, then tossing in cans of corn, a milk/gravy mix (don't ask), some bell pepper i needed to use up, a can of green chilis, and then adding in shredded sharp cheddar cheese towards the end. the concoction was not as thick as i had hoped it would be (you know, with my love of thick soups and all), so i tried to salvage with corn starch. the corn starch helped and so did the cheese, but ultimately still not perfect in my opinion. i didn't drain my cans of corn so i think that might've affected things. it still tastes really good so i'm not too disappointed. i will definitely try again until i figure out how to make it perfectly. i read on some sites that people add in instant potato flakes to help thicken--seems a little odd but perhaps worth a shot. i'm still convinced i can find a different way to do it.

this recipe i used also said it only made 7 servings...perhaps for GIANTS because i swear to you i have enough leftovers to feed a small army. ok, perhaps a slight exaggeration but as you can see, i have a lot to spare. good thing i heart leftovers!!

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